Compressor Station
Excavation Services For Compressor Stations
Natural gas pipelines form a complex maze spanning every corner of the country. Compressor stations are crucial in keeping gas optimally pressurized and flowing quickly throughout its journey. Since natural gas can be hazardous if the compressor stations aren’t properly maintained, keeping underground pipes and utilities at the stations operational is crucial.
Discovery Hydrovac’s experience with compressor stations across the country provides a high level of skill and assurance of safety on every dig. With top training for all workers and the use of vacuum excavation on all projects, we keep your compressor stations and their valuable resources safe.
What Are Compressor Stations?
As natural gas flows through a pipeline, it starts to slow down due to the friction between the gas and the inside of the pipeline. To get the pressure inside the pipeline up and the gas flowing at the desired speed, it needs to be regularly re-pressurized at compressor stations.
Compressor stations are constructed along the pipeline route, usually around 50 to 60 miles apart. The location of the compressor station depends on factors such as the operating pressure of the pipeline, the pipe’s diameter, elevation changes, and the volume of gas that needs to be delivered. These compressor stations are often remotely operated, but still need regular maintenance to their underground systems; Discovery Hydrovac provides quality excavation and maintenance services to compressor stations across the country.
Vacuum Excavation At Compressor Stations
Excavating at or near compressor stations can be dangerous. The transportation of highly combustible gasses requires a high level of safety that traditional excavation techniques can’t provide. Because of this, the industry is starting to lean away from those old techniques and require vacuum excavation for work on pipelines, compressor stations, and refining facilities.
Our team at Discovery Hydrovac knows our way around compressor stations and can ensure a high level of safety whenever we work around these essential stations. By using non-destructive and minimally invasive vacuum excavation techniques, we keep all pipes and utilities at compressor stations undamaged. Our vacuum excavation trucks use either pressurized water or air to loosen and remove soil—exposing utilities without accidentally hitting any crucial equipment.
Excavation Safety At Compressor Stations
Transporting natural gas across the country is a complex and potentially hazardous process if compressor stations are not regularly maintained. We understand how important your product is to your customers across the nation, which is why we take worker and project safety seriously when working at compressor stations—and during every project.
Discovery Hydrovac is proud to say we have never had a dig-in. Our years of experience with the natural gas industry as well as on compressor stations ensures that not only will your valuable product get to your customers without disruption, but that everyone on site stays safe.