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Excavation Services For Distribution Systems

Millions of commercial, residential, and municipal buildings across North America depend on the consistent flow of natural gas to operate. Getting the natural gas to its final destination requires a vast network of pipelines, processing facilities, and distribution systems.

Distribution centers and pipelines are a crucial last step in the natural gas transportation process. Discovery Hydrovac’s extensive work with these important systems ensures your essential product arrives safely and at the right flow rate and pressure.

What Are Distribution Pipelines?

Natural gas is transported from its extraction point to its final destination through a network of pipelines that span the country. After moving through transmission pipelines—which transport the natural gas product across long distances and at a high psi—it makes its way to distribution pipelines. 

Distribution pipelines are located in more populated areas and carry the natural gas product directly into the customer’s home or business. Because the gas is near its end destination at this stage, distribution pipelines operate at a lower pressure than transmission pipelines. The closer natural gas gets to its customers, the lower the pressure and the smaller the pipe’s diameter.

An odorant (a distinctive sulfuric smell) is added to the natural gas during this time so people can notice any dangerous leaks in the pipes. While distribution pipelines are typically pressure tested with air before going into service, they still need regular maintenance and replacements to keep them safe and operational. Discovery Hydrovac provides safe excavation services to distribution systems across the country to assist in that essential maintenance.

Vacuum Excavation For Distribution Systems

The transportation of potentially volatile natural gas can be dangerous if distribution centers and pipelines aren’t properly maintained. Traditional excavation can easily hit and damage pipelines—not just interrupting service and gas flow, but also potentially causing explosions and casualties.

By using non-destructive excavation techniques like vacuum excavation when working on distribution centers and pipelines, Discovery Hydrovac keeps those vital systems safe and operational. Our hydro and air excavation trucks excavate the soil around distribution systems efficiently and safely—making them accessible for maintenance or replacement while minimizing the potential for damage.

Safety Is Our Top Priority

We want to make sure all distribution pipelines and systems are operating at peak performance so your customers can easily access your natural gas product.

Discovery Hydrovac’s vast experience working on distribution pipelines and the natural gas industry brings a high level of skill and knowledge to every project we take on. Our commitment to both dig site and crew safety ensures that not only will your essential product get to your customers quickly, but that everyone stays safe. Talk with one of our industry experts for more information on how Discovery Hydrovac can help your business with your upcoming excavation needs.



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